Foods that hurt teeth, What are they And why it hurts teeth The answers and a set of tips are important to find in the article.
Foods that hurt teeth: a list of the most prominent
Many people think that sugars and sweets are the only foods that destroy dental health, but in fact sugar is not the only factor that harms teeth, there is a list of other foods that hurt teeth that we will learn about in what comes:
Foods that hurt teeth
Learn the most prominent foods that can affect dental health negatively in what comes:
- 1. Citrus fruits
It is advisable to limit the intake of acidic foods, as they harm the health of tooth enamel, and also cause tooth erosion.
One of the most prominent acidic foods that cause damage to the teeth:
- Lemon.
- Orange.
- Tomatoes.
- 2. Ice cream
Although ICE does not contain any substances except water after freezing, but it can harm the teeth, as well as ice cream, such as: ice cream and others, they contain sugars harmful to the teeth, they also cause tooth sensitivity, as well as chewing solids cause damage to enamel.
- 3. Sticky foods
Foods that hurt teeth, one of which is sticky foods, where some prefer to eat dried fruits as a snack and healthy, but it is not recommended to eat them often; because they are considered sticky foods.
The reason sticky foods harm teeth is that they stay for a long time in the teeth and are difficult to get rid of.
- 4. Crackers
Crackers cause a build-up of tooth black, because they break into small pieces when chewed, and will therefore leave some residue and small particles in the teeth even as they are washed.
Drinks that harm teeth
In addition to the list of foods that hurt the teeth, there is a group of drinks that have the same negative impact on the teeth, namely:
- 1. Soft drinks
When consuming soft drinks for long periods, plaque bacteria use this sugar to produce acids that attack enamel. Carbonated drinks also cause dry mouth.
- 2. Coffee and tea
Unfortunately, most people do not do without adding sugar to coffee or tea, which makes it even more harmful to the teeth.
Caffeinated drinks are also included in the list of foods that harm the teeth, as they cause discoloration of the teeth, and affect the health of the enamel if too much.
- 3. Acidic juices
It has been mentioned earlier that acidic foods cause tooth erosion, as well as the ratio of juices resulting from them, such as:
- Lemon juice.
- Tomato juice.
- Orange juice.
Tips to protect teeth from food damage
After familiarizing yourself with a list of foods that hurt the teeth, as well as drinks, tooth wear caused by food and drink can be reduced with some tips, including:
- Wait an hour after consuming acidic foods, then brush them, so as to give saliva a chance to wash off the acids naturally and so keep the enamel healthy.
- Limit the intake of caffeinated drinks, whether coffee, tea or soft drinks, because they cause many damages to the teeth, and can be replaced with healthy drinks, such as: herbs, natural juices without sugar.
- Rinse your mouth with water after eating any foods or drinks, this helps neutralize acids until brushing.
- Keep medical dental floss in fact; to use after eating foods until you go home and brush your teeth.
- Chew sugar-free gum after eating, as this helps in the flow of saliva and protect teeth from damage caused by foods.